stand over a sink, cup the palm of one hand and pour a small amount of the solution into it.mix a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of baking soda (bicarbonate of soda) into the water.boil a pint of water then leave it to cool.How to clean your nose with a salt water solution You can make a salt water solution at home. Rinsing the inside of your nose with a salt water solution may help if your sense of smell is affected by an infection or allergy. It's also common to lose some of your sense of smell as you get older. the smell of things to change (parosmia).smelling things that aren't there ( phantosmia), like smoke or burnt toast.Causes of lost or changed sense of smellĬhanges in sense of smell are most often due to: See your GP if your sense of smell doesn't go back to normal in a few weeks.

But it isn't usually serious and may get better in a few weeks or months. A change in your sense of smell can be unpleasant and affect how things taste.